This is a process where, subsequent to Anolok™ Bronze anodising. the porous film is overdyed using architecturally stable organic pigments, giving a wide range of yellows, reds, blues greens, oranges or turquoises in subtle shades with guaranteed weatherability.
During the 1960's dyestuffs that were sufficiently light resistant to be used on the exterior of buildings were developed. In the 1980's these colours were supplemented by the UA organic colour range, using a bronze underlay on these bright colours.
A spray dye plant was installed, the only one operational on architectural finishes in Europe.
In addition to the general anodising benefits (see "Benefits") UA organic colour finishes produced by the Anolok™ method using Cobalt are more durable in respect to colour fastness and gloss retention than the latest polyester powder coat resins.