The United Anodisers group of companies carry out sulphuric acid anodising of aluminium alloys to national and international standards and customer requirements for the architectural, building, aerospace, marine, rail and road transport, electronic and general engineering industries.
Our Environmental Policy is to be a responsible corporate citizen in protecting the environment. We are committed to complying with accepted environmental practices, including the commitment to meet or exceed applicable legal and other requirements, to strive for continual improvement in our environmental management system and to minimise the creation of wastes and pollution. We will, therefore, manage our processes, our materials and our people in order to reduce the environmental impacts associated with our work. All our plants are certified to ISO 1401.
Our prime environmental objectives are to:
- Investigate the reduction of hazardous and toxic chemicals
- Reduce, re-use and recycle waste and packaging
- Improve the efficiency of enery usage
- Provide training for all employees
- Reduce the risks of potential accidents
- Ensure that IPPC Permit requirements are adhered to by all employees
This policy will be communicated to all parties interested in the performance of our environmental management system and made available to the public.
Our compliance with these environmental objectives and targets will be regularly audited and reviewed by senior management.